Sport Club for Integration (S.C.I.) "Vitosha"

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The site of S.C.I. Vitosha is made to be fully accesable and useful for all people. In this page are desribed the basic tipes of accessibility of the site, made especialy for people with some kind of visual disabilities.

Standards-based design
This site is designed with the latest methodologies of standards-based web design in mind to ensure as consistent an experience to as many users as possible. If there is something related to accessibility, which does not meet the standard, please contact us!

Alternative styles
This site has an alternative high visibility style for users with impaired/low vision. Use the icons at the middle of the left column to select your preferred style. This site has tree colour versions:

Accesskeys enable users to navigate to major areas of the S.C.I. "Vitosha" site by using the keyboard only (without the need for a mouse). Accesskeys work by pressing alt (Windows) or ctrl (Mac) and then the chosen accesskey (Internet Explorer users also need to press enter at the end).
Due to conflicts that can occur between accesskey assignments and functions of different browsing software, this site has only five accesskeys:

How to use "Accesskeys". Depending on your browser type, do one of the following

Resizable text
You might find the text easier to read by increasing its size. You can do this by adjusting your browser’s settings. Depending on your browser type, do one of the following:

Changing colours
You can change the site’s background colour or change the colour of body text on the site by changing preferences in your browser. Depending on your browser type use one of the following:

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