Sport Club for Integration (S.C.I.) "Vitosha"

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Date: 18 Jun 2009

logoAttractive Judo presentation from people with disabilities

Source: S.C.I. Vitosha

On 17th of June 2009, at 3:00 p.m., in front of the office of S.C.I. Vitosha started Judo Presentation for people with disabilities as a part of Paralympic Days 2009. Trainer was Anjelina Yaneva from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and Davis Vidolov from special school for visually impaired children.

Guests of honours was Petko Goranov - director of Department of Social Services, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Mila Vukova - from Bulgarian Agency for people with disabilities and Ilia Lalov - president of Bulgarian Paralympics Association.

The event was presented by Nova Television and Telegraph newspaper.


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