Sport Club for Integration (S.C.I.) "Vitosha"

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Date: 18 Jul 2009

logoThe first Backgammon tournament for peoples with disabilities was finished.

Source: S.C.I. Vitosha

On 18 of July 2009 was carried out Backgammon tournament, for the first time. The tournament was a part from Paralympic days 2009.

The guest of honours: Petar Ginchev - vice-president of a Bulgarian Backgammon Federation (BNFST) and Bubakar - referee from a BNFST.

Tournament referees - Lyubomir Vasilev and Georgi Gergov, assistant - Rumyana Yaneva, photographer - Anita Dimitrova.

Final position:

  1. Grigor Grigorov
  2. Elena Todorova
  3. Georgi Chernev
  4. Yanko Petrov


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