Sport Club for Integration (S.C.I.) "Vitosha"

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Date: 01 Sep 2010

Vilanova - Creativity in mixed ability

Source: S.C.I. Vitosha

From July, 19th to July, 26th a training course, organized by the Spanish association "Catalunia Voluntaria" and financed by "Youth in Action" 2007 – 2013 Programme of the European Commission, was held in Vilanova – a resort near Barcelona. SCI "Vitosha" was represented by two of its young and most active members Aglika Danova and Ivaylo Marinov. Vilanova Representatives from different nongovernmental organizations from Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Spain and Ukraine took part in the training course.

Following the EC recommendation for Live long learning in non-formal environment, the organizers proposed a great variety of workshops, discussions and seminars joint by the common motto "Creativity in mixed ability". During the team games and discussion forums the Bulgarian participants presented the main activities of SCI "Vitosha" and ingenious video of a goallball match of our athletes was included in the information DVD of the project.

During a premeditated cultural tour of Barcelona, the group visited the Spanish organization for the blind "ONCE" which is among the wealthiest associations of the blind in the world. The visit included the main administrative building, the sports hall and facilities, the guide dog school, educational and residential frames.


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