Sport Club for Integration (S.C.I.) "Vitosha"

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Date: 22 Sep 2010

Five members from SCI Vitosha took part in youtha exchange "Let’s your body speak!" from 18 to 30 of July.

Source: S.C.I. Vitosha

This summer as well (18th – 31st July) a group represented SCI “Vitosha” to an international youth exchange “Let’s your body speak!”. This time the project was realized in one of the cultural capitals of the Old Continent – Florence. Representatives from six partner organizations from different EU member states (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy and Poland) joint forces again for integration and socialization of visually impaired youngsters. The hosts VIEWS Italia in collaboration with the Florence branch of The Italian Union of The Blind had invited five members of each country and the structure of the delegations involved three visually impaired participants and two sighted ones.

bulgarian team
on the photo: bulgarian team
The team from SCI Vitosha was Boyan Michev, Galina Krasteva, Devora Kostadinova, Iva Todorova and Nikola Bakalov. The participants were proposed various workshops, discussion forums, arts (dances, theatre), sports (backgammon, showdown, torball, football and baseball for the blind), mobility sessions etc. National presentations anc cultural visits of historical heritage of Florence, Pisa and Bologna contributed for the easier and smoothly ongoing of the cultural exchange and mixing of the groups.

investigating Florence's history
on the photo: investigating Florence's history
Time and again the Bulgarian representatives had traditionally highly rated presentation. They were in charge of showdown and backgammon activities, universal language workshop and last but not least – the beauty and wealth of Bulgarian folklore.


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